
FGR Team

Join the FGR Team!

Are you committed to serving God, doing His will and being involved in the growth of His Kingdom? Fertile Ground Ranch is hiring! Click on the box below to see if you -- or someone you know -- could be the next FGR Ministry House Overseer... then contact us! 

Bill Schlipp

Founder / President,  Lead Teacher

Bill believes that discipleship is not something we do but our lifestyle. We are commanded to make disciples by passing on what other faithful Christians have entrusted to us (2 Timothy 2:2). Having been freed from the bondage of addiction to alcohol at his conversion in 1997, Bill is passionate about bringing Christ to those who suffer from the hopelessness of life without Our Savior. He holds a B.S. in Biblical Studies from Moody Bible Institute, having returned to college in 2005 after his conversion, and a Lay Counseling Certificate from the Biblical Counseling Center of Arlington Heights, Ill.

Bill made a career change to full-time ministry after 32 years as a commercial aircraft mechanic. From 2015-2019, he was a biblical counselor and Bible teacher at the Pacific Garden Mission (PGM) in Chicago,  where his primary function was to disciple homeless and addicted men through the gospel of Jesus Christ.  
Acting on a call to move to South Central Indiana to build and develop Fertile Ground Ranch (FGR), Bill began volunteering at the Morgan County Jail in Martinsville, Ind. He eventually became the jail chaplain, continuing with his God-given passion for one-on-one discipleship with inmates who desire change and new life in Christ while discipling men in residence at FGR.

Judy Schlipp

Communications and Giving Manager

Judy is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and a strong believer in the essential nature of discipleship in every Christian’s life. God grabbed hold of her when she almost lost her life in an auto accident. She had been “playing Christian” until this life-changing incident showed her that she must lose her life in order for God to save it.

Judy has served the Lord in compassion-based ministries, in counseling women in jail, and in leading and co-leading discipleship Bible study groups with her husband Bill. In addition to her work with FGR, she serves as treasurer of Bill's and Judy's church.

Board of Directors

Kyle Augsburger
Bible Teacher and Business Owner, Nashville, Ind.

Gerald Casey
Director of Outreach Ministries and Volunteers, Pacific Garden Mission, Chicago

Michael Frank
CFP®, CPA®, Financial Advisor, LPL Financial, Delavan, Wisc.